"Winter" has fallen upon Carillon Stonegate Pond much earlier than any of us had hoped - including our avian residents.
There were a wide variety of birds that visited our feeders and roosted in our trees next to Carillon Stonegate Pond around noon this day.
There were groups of Song Sparrows, Black-capped Chickadees, House Finches and Dark-eyed Juncos.
There were several Northern Cardinals and a Blue Jay.
We had a Red-bellied Woodpecker roost in our tree prior to flying down to the feeder.
And we had a Cooper's Hawk swoop into our tree and scaring away all of the birds - but only momentarily. This raptor "bird of prey" preys on birds!
Alas, all of the birds have safely returned and are enjoying their lunch.
So, as winter really arrives next month, you should take the time during your lunch break and watch out your windows at some of the wonders that appear in our backyards here on Carillon Stonegate Pond.
As we say, "Take a hike (or a seat) and see what you can find - and identify" here at Carillon Stonegate Pond!