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  • Writer's pictureTerry Wise

Spring Visitors to Carillon Stonegate Ponds

With all of us here at Carillon at Stonegate sheltering in place for the past two weeks (and looks like for several weeks ahead!), I thought that I would share some of the visitors to Carillon Stonegate Pond during the month of March.

March is typically the beginning of the Spring migration. Many birds arriving back here either permanently or as a temporary stopover.

Below are several of the birds that have recently arrived to Carillon Stonegate Pond.

In the first row, you will find a Red-winged Blackbird, Ring-necked Duck and a Great Blue Heron.

In the second row, there is that very rare sighting of a Bald Eagle fishing on the shore of Carillon Stonegate Pond as well as Sandhill Cranes flying overhead on their migration north and, finally, the American Robin.

In the third row, we have a Tree Swallow (in flight as they swoop over Carillon Stonegate Pond catching insects, they remind me of the Blue Angels or "Tie Fighters" from Star Wars); next there is a Pied--billed Grebe that you would see diving under the pond's surface to catch fish and a Canada Goose.

In the fourth row, there are Mallards, a European Starling and a Red-bellied Woodpecker (one of four varieties of Woodpeckers that make the woodlands around Carillon Stonegate Pond their home).

So as we continue our next several weeks of "sheltering in place" and "social distancing", remember that we are all in this together.

So take a glance outside - or even a short walk - and observe what we have in our own backyards.

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